Chinese Herbal Medicine


Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine treatment is one of the pillars of traditional Chinese medicine, which gathers more than 2000 years of experience in the use of specific herbal formulas for the treatment of different diseases.

These formulas are combinations of herbs boosting each other's effect, obtaining better results when used combined than if they were given separately.

The use of specific herb formulas distinguishes chinese herbal medicine from western herbal medicine, where a single herb is given to relieve a symptom. On the other hand, in Chinese medicine herbal formulas are prescribed to treat specific syndormes. These syndromes show important body physiological imbalances. Each imbalance corresponds to a series of symptoms, as well as a certain tongue appearance and  wrist pulses.

Therefore, to prescribe a suitable formula for a particular disease, it is essential to make a good clinical diagnosis from the western medical perspective and the identification of the corresponding syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine.

In recent years, scientific community shows growing interest in studying and proving the effects of different herbs used in Chinese medicine, carrying out pharmacological analyses of its different components. These studies have proved that the action of these herbs corresponds to their indication in Chinese medicine.

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