
Tratamiento Natural del acné


Acne originates in the pilosebaceous glands of the skin. These glands produce sebum to protect the skin. However, the action of androgens, especially testosterone, can excessively stimulate the sebaceous glands, facilitating the growth of the bacteria Propinobacterium acnes causing infection of the sebaceous gland. If the inflammatory reaction is very intense, it results in severe nodular acne. This severe nodular form appears only in patients who have hypersensitivity to free fatty acids produced by the bacteriaP. acnes. Acne occurs more frequently in adolescents but can occur at any age. It is frequently associated with polycystic ovary.

It has been shown that 50% of people who suffer from acne have a high level of intestinal toxemia with alteration of the intestinal bacterial flora. That is why it is important in the diagnosis to carry out an assessment of intestinal function with normalization of the flora.

On the other hand, liver purification is required to reduce toxemia.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, there are specific herb formulas for the treatment of acne that help to detoxify the liver, normalize intestinal function, balance hormonal function and release the excess heat associated with this pathology.

Supplements such as selenium and zinc also help in the treatment of acne.

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